Der Feuerwehrhelm

Technical Rescue Team Mamer
at the
Rescue Challange


World mapEuropeThird Reich until 19450788
Third Reich until 1945 Aluminum helmet (˜1934)
In this collection since: 20.05.2016
0788 Fire helmet from Germany. The aluminum helmet of type M34 has a small stamping on the inside of the rear brim: BXF - Vorschriftsmässig lt. Gesetz 3.5.34 (BXF - according to law 3.5.34). The date refers to the decree, to provide the helmets used up to that date without comb, now with an aluminum comb. This personal decision of Hitler was not welcome at the fire brigades, but was implemented. Later there was the decree to remove the combs. This has not happened here. Likewise, the badges of the time were missing. For details of the helmet, its changing insignia and combs, see helmets 0005, 0006, 0048, 0049, 0111, 0173, 0383.
Links: --
Also look at: Third Reich until 1945, 5
Third Reich until 1945, 6
Third Reich until 1945, 48
Third Reich until 1945, 49
Third Reich until 1945, 111
Third Reich until 1945, 173
Third Reich until 1945, 383
Pictures: (Please click on picture to zoom...)

design & coding: Andreas Berger
