Der Feuerwehrhelm

International aid at the forest fires in Greece.
Units of the fire department Chisinau / Moldova
meet Romanian firefighters.


World mapEuropeDenmark0667
Denmark Aluminum helmet (˜1970)
In this collection since: 25.04.2015
0667 German fire helmet as helmet of the Danish organization "Falck & Zonen". After the Second World War, Falck used these helmets in black until the early 1970s, after which the helmets were white. The white painted helmet is based on the shape of the German M1943. The manufacture of the helmet is not known. The helmet has no reference to the DIN14940. The helmet was used in the 1970s. The Falck organization has fitted the helmet with the cross blade fitting and its front badge (black cross with silver eagle). On the cross stands the old name of the company: "Falck Zonen". In addition, the fireman's rank „Brandchef“ (fire chief) is on the front. The internally screwed cross blade fitting, made of nickel silver, serves more for detection than for safety. On the helmet is a neck leather attached.
These helmets were replaced at the beginning of 2000 by the plastic helmets F7 from Pacific Helmets. The metal helmet is today worn separately, but usually without a cross-blade and with a Falck sticker on the front instead of the metal badge. (See helmet 512)
Some larger cities and municipalities have their own fire brigades. These wear black helmets.
See helmets 136/511 Denmark
Links: --
Also look at: Denmark, 136
Denmark, 511
Denmark, 512
Denmark, 666
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design & coding: Andreas Berger
