Der Feuerwehrhelm

Anniversary photo
25 years fire brigade Hilm- Kematen


World mapEuropeSwitzerland0613
Switzerland Aluminum helmet (˜1965)
In this collection since: 11.08.2014
0613 Fire helmet from Switzerland. The helmet of the fire brigade Eptingen in the canton of Basel was made of aluminum sheet. This aluminum helmets can be recognize on the nine rivets of the inner helmet fixture. Here, however, these rivets are concealed by the applied, fluorescent marking tape. It marks the rank of the fireman. The rank here is Oberleutnant (two stripes). Lieutenant will be chosen as commander or deputy. The red color of the helmet fits this. The team remains reserved for the yellow helmet. There are the following grades: Crew: Fireman, Subofficer: Corporal, Sergeant, Officers: Lieutenant, Major, Lieutenant-Colonel. The red helmet is not painted inside. On the helmet is a thin neck leather attached. The name of the helmet manufacturer Teled is printed on the five press studs.

See helmet 127/141/147/614
Also look at: Federal Republic of Germany since 1949, 147
Switzerland, 127
Switzerland, 141
Pictures: (Please click on picture to zoom...)

design & coding: Andreas Berger
