Der Feuerwehrhelm

The Fire Service demonstrate its work


World mapEuropeSwitzerland0398
Switzerland Synthetic helmet (˜1991)
In this collection since: 26.12.2011
0398 Fire helmet from Switzerland. The helmet was made in the II quarter of 1991 by the German company Schuberth in Braunschweig. The helmet type is called "US-Feu" The red polycarbonate helmet from Schuberth has been built but obviously not only for the U.S. market but also found use in Switzerland. An enclosed leaflet declaring that the helmet conforms to the Swiss Norm SN 054 511 / 1. The SN 054 511 / 1 was used until 1998. In 1998 she was withdrawn and replaced by EN443. The helmet interior however is constructed according to DIN14940 which was in December 1997 also replaced by EN443. The DIN14940 has regulated the production of German fire helmets. On the helmet interior is to read further: "Schuberth Braunschweig - Made in Western Germany". The reunification of West and East Germany in November 1989 was completed, but the helmet in the quarter II of 1991 was built. This suggests that the inner helmet was produced by Schuberth probably in stock. However, the helmet interior is complemented by a flapper head of foam while the 4 - point leather chin strap (normally in Germany) was replaced against a chin strap with 2 - point attachment. The plastic helmet is provided on the edge with an edge protection. The inside of the leather helmet and chin straps are attached to a helmet-mounted in the metal band. The metal band is from the outside with 4 plastic screws attached to the helmet bell. To fasten a neck protection, a plastic strip was attached with snaps at the German helmets available leather straps. The helmet is for head sizes 53 – to 61 suitable. The helmet was marketed by the Swiss company "growag - Feuerwehrtechnik" CH-6022 Groswangen.
The helmet in style of American fire helmets replaced the Army steel helmets wich was worn until about 1970. Among other things, Swiss productions were worn. (see Helm 4 / 259)
Overview DIN14940 see helmet 17.
Also look at: Federal Republic of Germany since 1949, 17
Switzerland, 4
Switzerland, 259
Pictures: (Please click on picture to zoom...)

design & coding: Andreas Berger
